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Unlocking Growth: The Power of Sales and Marketing Alignment for B2B Success

Written by Jay Mellman | May 30, 2024 5:45:00 PM

Sales and marketing teams have often operated in silos, with different goals and priorities. Marketing might be focused on brand awareness and lead generation, while sales is laser-focused on closing deals. This separation of departments can lead to problems when the teams aren’t aligned. They have to remember they actually have the same goal, and teaming up will help achieve that more efficiently. 

Sales and marketing alignment is the process of getting these two teams working together as a cohesive unit. It's about creating a shared vision, goals, and strategies. When marketing and sales are aligned, they can become a powerful force for driving business growth.

The Importance of Sales and Marketing Alignment

A critical first step to achieving sales and marketing alignment is fostering a deep understanding of each other's roles. By appreciating each other's perspectives, both teams can collaborate more effectively and develop shared goals that focus on the overall success of the business.

  • Marketing Walk-a-Mile in Sales' Shoes
    Marketing teams can benefit from shadowing salespeople on calls or attending sales meetings. This firsthand experience clarifies the needs and challenges faced by sales, allowing marketing to tailor campaigns and materials that directly address customer pain points.

  • Sales Immersing Themselves in Marketing
    Sales reps can gain valuable insight by participating in brainstorming sessions or marketing campaigns. This exposure helps them understand the customer journey pre-sale and allows them to anticipate questions and objections more effectively.

Impact on Revenue

Sales and marketing alignment directly impact a company's bottom line. Ultimately, alignment ensures marketing efforts are directly tied to sales needs, resulting in a more efficient and revenue-generating sales and marketing engine.

When marketing and sales are aligned, they can develop targeted campaigns that attract high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into paying customers. This reduces wasted time and resources. Additionally, clear messaging and consistent follow-up throughout the sales funnel reduce confusion and objections, leading to faster deal closures.

Enhanced Customer Experience

By working together, sales and marketing can present a unified front, ensuring customers feel valued and understood at every touchpoint. This fosters long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty, which translates to increased customer lifetime value.

 Common Challenges in Achieving Alignment

Despite the significant benefits, achieving sales and marketing alignment isn't always easy. Some problems that can arise are:

  • Communication Challenges:
    • Siloed Teams: When marketing and sales operate in isolation, information sharing suffers. This lack of transparency makes it difficult to understand each other's challenges and goals.

    • Jargon and Technical Language: Marketing may use terms unfamiliar to sales, and vice versa. This miscommunication can lead to confusion and missed opportunities.

    • Infrequent Communication: Without regular communication, teams lose touch with each other's priorities and activities. This can lead to mismatched efforts and missed opportunities for collaboration.

  • Differing Metrics of Success:
    • Marketing Metrics are typical things like brand awareness, website traffic, and lead generation. Sales Metrics, on the other hand, look more at things like conversion rates, deal size, and revenue.

    • These different metrics can create misalignment. Marketing might focus on generating a high volume of leads, regardless of their quality, while sales prioritize closing deals with qualified leads. This can lead to tension and a blame game if overall goals aren't met.

  • Cultural Differences:
    • Marketing culture likes to think creatively, is data-driven, and focuses on long-term brand building. Sales culture is typically relationship-oriented, results-driven, and focused on short-term wins.

    • Cultural differences like these can lead to clashes in priorities and communication styles. Marketers might view salespeople as pushy, while salespeople might find marketers to be out of touch with customer needs.

Strategies for Enhancing Sales and Marketing Cooperation

Building a strong foundation of cooperation between sales and marketing is essential for business growth. Here are some key strategies to achieve this:

  • Regular Joint Meetings
    Schedule regular meetings (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly)  where both teams can discuss strategies, share insights, align on goals, and more.
  • Shared Goals and Metrics
    Move beyond departmental metrics and develop a system that tracks key performance indicators (KPIs) throughout the customer journey, demonstrating how marketing efforts directly contribute to sales success.
  • Mutual Understanding Through Job Shadowing
    Bridge the empathy gap by incorporating job shadowing programs. This is where marketing can shadow sales, and vice versa. This exposure helps each time understand not just their piece of the puzzle, but how everything fits together when working in concert.
  • Collaborative Content Creation
    Break down silos and create high-impact content together. Marketing can leverage sales insights and incorporate this feedback into content creation, ensuring materials address real customer pain points and resonate with the target audience. Then sales can feel empowered with compelling content like targeted case studies or white papers that sales can leverage to nurture leads and close deals.

  • Technology and Tools for Better Integration
    Utilize technology platforms that facilitate communication and data sharing like a good CRM system that provides a central location for storing and managing customer data. Additionally, your teams can leverage marketing automation tools to nurture leads with things like targeted email campaigns, personalized website experiences, and more. 

By implementing these strategies, sales and marketing teams can break down barriers, foster a collaborative environment, and achieve greater success together.

Real-World Examples of Successful Alignment


Serena was seeking to expand its marketing functions and to better understand how marketing efforts were influencing closed business through the use of analytics to identify, solve, and gain insight into core business questions. Enabling marketing to segment and compare efforts as well as measure the correlation between pipeline and sales quota was key.

Our solution combined the use of consistent naming conventions across campaigns, URLS, and their CRM and implemented custom business logic to allow for more insightful data arrangements. BOL configured data architecture to apply holistic attributions to opportunities and created four actionable dashboards to track and compare marketing performance.

This lead to:

  • 95% growth in sales accepted leads with data-powered marketing
  • 367% return on ad spend for paid search and display campaigns
  • 53% of new opportunities influenced by marketing
  • $1.1M in opportunities influenced by paid search


Honeywell, a leading manufacturer of clean air systems, had an opportunity to work with airports across the country to enhance air quality and replace ventilation systems.

The marketing challenge:

Convincing airports to apply for rescue grants before the deadline. The US government was basically giving away billions in free money. But there were three major hurdles: 


  1. The process for applying for Airport Rescue Grants was complex 
  2. There was confusion about how the grants could be used 
  3. They had a very short window of opportunity to submit their applications.

The Solution:

A 1:1 campaign to select airport administrators to show them ways Honeywell could help them improve terminal health and safety.

The Results:

After the campaign launched, the demand for Honeywell aviation parts, software and aftermarket services grew, sending Honeywell shares up 6%. Honeywell beat analyst expectations by $1.86 per share.


Throughout this blog post, we've explored the critical concept of sales and marketing alignment. We've seen how traditional departmental divides can hinder business success, and how collaboration unlocks a wealth of benefits.

Don't underestimate the power of sales and marketing alignment. Take steps today to bridge the gap between your teams. By working together, you can unlock a new level of efficiency, revenue generation, and customer satisfaction, propelling your business to new heights. Reach out to talk alignment with our aligned marketing and sales team!