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Performance and Scalability in B2B Website Development

Written by Steven Sparacino | May 16, 2024 5:14:00 PM

Every business needs a website. While much has been made about “laggard” B2B companies who are slow to adopt digital strategies, one recent study found that 100% of B2B sellers planned to invest in e-commerce over the next year. Yes — 100%! 

B2B leaders know they need to meet customers where they are — and that means online. In today's digital-first world, B2B websites play a crucial role in a business’s success. But how do you build a website that delivers a fast, seamless user experience, drives conversion, and handles growth like a champ? That’s what this article is all about. 

B2B Websites: What Makes Them Different?

Unlike B2C or traditional e-commerce sites, B2B websites must cater to the specific needs of business buyers. B2B sales cycles are notoriously long and complex, requiring a full-funnel approach that involves everything from thought leadership to build brand awareness and authority to case studies and testimonials that prove results. 

B2B buying groups need access to comprehensive, detailed resources — and they don’t want to talk to sales. According to Gartner, 75% of B2B buyers prefer a sales-rep-free buying experience. That means your website is the top place buyers will go for information. B2B websites need to host all of this content while also guaranteeing a fast, seamless user experience and scalability. 

B2B Website Performance and Scalability: Why You Need Both

The synergy between website performance and scalability is the backbone of a successful B2B digital strategy. Performance ensures immediate engagement and satisfaction, while scalability caters to long-term growth and adaptability. B2B websites need both in order to capture every potential prospect. 

What Is Website Performance?

Performance is essentially a website’s speed and responsiveness. For B2B buyers, time is a premium, and they won’t wait around for a sluggish website. Page optimizations that enhance loading times — such as image compression, code minification, and leveraging browser caching — can significantly improve the user experience and drive conversion. Performance also affects a B2B website’s rankings on search engines, which prioritize speed and mobile-friendliness. 

What Is Website Scalability?

Scalability ensures that your website can accommodate growth without compromising performance. It's about future-proofing your digital presence to seamlessly handle increased business opportunities and shifting landscapes. As your business grows, your website will need to handle increased traffic, additional pages for new products and services, larger amounts of content, and new integrations. That’s scalability.

We’ve only scratched the surface of these two essential elements of B2B websites. Let’s take a deeper dive into performance and scalability to help B2B growth leaders develop a robust online presence.

B2B Website Development Part 1: Performance

Before you can scale a B2B website, you need to have a solid foundation. Ensuring your website checks all the following performance boxes is the first step to building that foundation.

Hosting: The Key to Website Performance

The choice of hosting service plays a pivotal role in website performance. Investing in a quality hosting provider that offers fast server response times and optimized infrastructure can make a significant difference in loading speeds. Considering factors like geographical location of servers, allocated resources, and scalability options can help you choose a hosting service that supports and enhances website performance.

Page Loading Speed: A Critical Performance Metric

For B2B websites, every second counts. A fast-loading page can significantly reduce bounce rates and improve the overall user experience, encouraging visitors to explore more content, engage with your site, and ultimately, convert. To increase page loading speed, optimize images by using lossless compression, choosing the right format (JPEG, PNG, WebP), and leveraging responsive images that adjust to screen size.

You should also “minify” your code, which means removing unnecessary characters (like spaces, line breaks, comments), and leverage browser caching. Browser caching stores parts of your website in the visitor's browser. When they revisit your site, the browser loads cached content locally instead of retrieving it from the server. That significantly reduces loading times for returning visitors. 

SEO Optimization: The Cornerstone of Digital Presence

Search engine optimization, known as SEO, amplifies your site's visibility, making it easier for potential clients to find you amidst the vast sea of online information. It involves understanding and aligning with how your target audience searches for solutions online. You’ll use keyword research to select and incorporate relevant words and phrases into your website's content, metadata, and URLs. 

Beyond visibility, an effective B2B SEO strategy focuses on attracting qualified traffic — we call this “account-based SEO” or ABSEO. These people are most likely to convert because they’re actively searching for the solutions or insights your business offers. ABSEO ensures that B2B websites support the specific, organic searches that your buying group is actually conducting.

Mobile Responsiveness: Catering to the On-the-Go Audience

Yes, most B2B buyers are on a desktop — at least according to one study that found nearly 83% of B2B website traffic is from desktop. But that still leaves 17% of buyers you could be missing out on if your website isn’t mobile-friendly. A mobile-responsive website automatically adjusts its layout and functionality so viewers get the best experience on any device. 

The goal of mobile responsiveness is to create a seamless and intuitive user experience. A mobile-friendly B2B website includes easy-to-use menus, readable content without the need to zoom, and accessible call-to-action (CTA) buttons. These features can reduce bounce rates and encourage deeper interaction with your website's content, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

Continuous Improvement: Ensuring Long-Term Success

Just as a well-oiled machine performs at its best, regular maintenance is crucial for B2B websites. Ongoing maintenance involves periodic reviews and updates to ensure that all components of the site — from content to code — remain in prime condition. Testing your website's speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix provides insights into how well your site performs. You’ll also need to make regular updates to your software, plugins, and security protocols to safeguard against vulnerabilities. 

Beyond technical aspects, you must maintain the relevance of your website's content. Regularly updating blog posts, product information, and industry resources keeps your audience engaged and reinforces your position as a thought leader. It also signals to search engines that your website is active, which can positively impact your SEO rankings.

B2B Website Development Part 2: Scalability

Ultimately, the goal of any business is to grow. A well-performing B2B website will get you off the ground, providing a seamless user experience and driving more and more people to your site. As your growth accelerates, you’ll enter the next phase: scalability. Here’s what you’ll need to consider. 

Choosing the Right Hosting Service: Shared vs. Managed

The choice between shared hosting and managed hosting can have significant implications for a B2B website's scalability and performance. Shared hosting, while cost-effective, often means sharing server resources with other websites, which can lead to performance issues as traffic grows. Managed hosting, on the other hand, provides dedicated resources and specialized support, offering a more robust foundation for websites with growth ambitions. 

CMS: Enhancing Flexibility and Scalability

Content management systems (CMS) are applications that manage B2B website content. With a CMS, you can publish content without having to know web programming or HTML, making it an essential tool for scaling a website. But which to choose? Traditional CMS connect the back end, where the code and data live, and the front end, which is what website visitors see. That limits how and where content can be published. 

Headless CMS platforms separate the back end and front end. This architecture means developers can work on the back end while writers and designers work on the front end. It also makes it easier to publish across platforms like web, mobile, apps, and IoT. Which one is right for you depends on your expertise and resources.

Website Functionality: Integrating Scalable Tools

As you scale, you’ll probably need to incorporate more functionality into your B2B website. Incorporating systems like customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, analytics, and payment processing ensures that as the volume of data and transactions grows, operations remain smooth and efficient. These scalable solutions can adapt to increasing demands, supporting growth without the need for constant system changes.

CDN: Global Performance Enhancement

Content delivery networks (CDN) optimize the delivery of website content by caching it on servers located around the globe. They ensure that regardless of where they are, users receive data from their closest server. This significantly reduces latency, which is the amount of time it takes data to travel. The result is a faster, more consistent user experience across the board, helping you attract and retain international clients and scale your business globally.

Autoscaling: Adapting to Traffic Fluctuations

Autoscaling is a feature that automatically adjusts the amount of resources allocated to a website based on its traffic. During periods of high demand, autoscaling deploys additional resources so the website remains operational and responsive. Autoscaling is important for maintaining B2B website performance during traffic spikes, preventing slowdowns and outages that could negatively affect user experience and conversion.

Load Balancing: Distributing the Workload

Relying on a single server for your website can lead to slowdowns or crashes. Load balancing is a technique used to distribute incoming network traffic across multiple servers. By evenly distributing requests, load balancing helps maintain optimal performance and reliability. It ensures a seamless user experience, no matter how much traffic your B2B website is getting.

Finding the Right Partner for B2B Website Success

There’s one more thing we haven’t covered: The importance of finding the right partner to help you design, develop, optimize, and scale your B2B website. 

At BOL Agency, we understand the importance of both performance and scalability. Our team of experts leverages bold insights, ideas, and execution to deliver accelerated impact for B2B growth leaders. Whether you're looking to enhance your B2B website's performance, ensure its scalability, or embark on a comprehensive digital transformation, we can guide you every step of the way.

Contact BOL today to learn more about how we can help you create a B2B website that overcomes the challenges of today and captures the opportunities of tomorrow. Let's build something bold together.