There is an ABM Race happening right now.
The race to enhance your Marketing Technology Stack and deliver on the promise of ABM is never-ending. With more than 8K Marketing Technologies & 50+ ABM-related Technologies to choose from, it’s important to focus specifically on the tech that’s going to l drive your business forward.
“The focus shouldn’t be to always stay ahead of technology. The speed and succession in which the platforms change is mind-boggling. The focus should be aimed at making sure that you are investing in the technology that makes the most sense for your specific business and customers.” —Michael Williams, former CMO of Grand Prix of America, Formula 1
Conducting an ABM (Account-Based Marketing) tech gap analysis involves identifying the technology tools and platforms currently being used in your ABM program, and evaluating whether they meet your business goals and objectives. Doing an ABM technological gap assessment can identify the strengths and weaknesses of your marketing technology stack while also providing a glimpse of what your competitors are doing, or not doing.
With a Technical ABM Gap Assessment, you will be able to know:
Here are the steps you can follow to conduct an ABM tech gap analysis:
A Technological Gap Analysis can quickly capture and evaluate a company’s technology stack. Using BuildWith’s API, we can identify technologies embedded within that company, and their competitors’ websites. We can break down these findings into categories of technology, and then further refine that listing to only those that send a signal about that company’s maturity with respect to marketing technologies used for ABM efforts.
A blueprint enables you to design with the big picture in mind. This way, you can ensure you reach every milestone and build your technology stack in an integrated way - even when faced with uncertainty in which technologies you select.
ABM Leadership Institute has a sample ABM Technology stack you can use to guide your efforts. The guide focuses on the main sections of the ABM Technology stack.
In the ABM Leadership Institute stack, CRM & Tag Management live within Infrastructure, and Predictive & Data reside within Account Selection. Your Technical Assessment of relevant technologies for ABM may vary slightly, but the core Categories that include Advertising, Analytics & Tracking, Lead Generation, and more is something that we most can agree on.
Based on BuiltWith’s Category classification, we focused on those categories as a proxy for what the ABM Marketing Tech Stack should have.
Here is an example of the exercise we did to designate if the Category is relevant for our Tech Assessment.
By overlaying technologies with relevant categories and tags, your ABM team of Marketers & Technologists can take this raw information and synthesize it into clear, simple, and meaningful actionable items.
Key things that we can abstract in our heads from looking at the output are:
With any assessment, the goal is to better understand the variety of methods or tools that are used to evaluate, measure and document the readiness of your ABM needs.
This includes having discussions with your key stakeholders such as Marketing & Technology Leaders to help increase the breadth and depth of your understanding while developing critical and creative thinking about where you self-assess your ABM Tech Stack.
Chances are that you have many technologies integrated into your website. Many of them are from legacy personnel, some might be recently added free technologies and others are premium technologies that are the lifeblood of your demand generation operations.
Before we can assess, it’s important to look at a consolidated view of relevant technologies first. This view allows your business leaders to start those conversations with an open mind.
Based on your understanding of the technologies you have, collaborate with a seasoned Media & Marketing Technologist to make a general observation of where you and your competitors stand by Category.
The process should be iterative and include discussion with both the Marketing and Technology team to assess the criteria of who has best-of-class technologies.
Footnote: Although the ABM Tech Gap Analysis is designed to assess your Stack, it’s important to conduct regular audits of deployment and usage to assess your team’s utilization. The Gartner Marketing Technology Survey 2020 reveals that 68% of respondents face challenges with utilizing their stacks’ full breadth of capabilities, investing in tools and add-on capabilities that ultimately go unused.
Here are some things to look out for when it comes to ABM Gap Analysis:
Am I spending enough to support running a successful ABM?
Are the technologies in my Stack supporting the business and its ABM vision?
Is there any overlap between technologies that are creating redundant processes or causing issues with running an ABM Program?
Am I using any inferior technologies and are my competitors trying out any new technologies?
The Technological Gap Analysis is a simple, efficient way to provide meaningful insights to companies about the strength of their technology stack. With it, the ABM team can offer simple suggestions that are easy to act on, and which can improve a company’s competitive standing within the market.
Want to stand out from the crowd? Get in touch for your ABM tech gap analysis.