The 3 Most Common Pain Points in B2B Businesses in 2024 | BOL Agency

The B2B landscape is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve requires a laser focus on overcoming key challenges. In 2024, three common business pain points continue to plague many B2B companies:

  • Not knowing/understanding your ICP and buyer personas
  • Not enough qualified leads in your pipeline
  • Lack of brand awareness

The good news is that these pain points in marketing are not insurmountable. By implementing targeted marketing strategies, creating valuable content, and leveraging the power of social media, B2B businesses can refine their ICP and buyer personas, nurture qualified leads, and elevate their brand awareness.

Read on to explore these examples of pain points in business, and ways in which you can address them.

What are pain points in business?

While there isn’t one overarching business pain point definition, they can generally be looked at as the recurring problems or challenges that hinder a company's growth and success. They can stem from various areas and can impact different aspects of a business, from customer satisfaction to employee morale.

Let’s take a moment and do a deeper dive into the 3 most common pain points we mentioned above.

The Targeting Enigma: Not Knowing Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and Buyer Personas

In B2B sales, a one-size-fits-all approach is a recipe for disaster.  Understanding your ICP – the specific type of company you're best suited to serve – is crucial. But it's not enough. You also need to delve deeper and create detailed buyer personas –  representations of the different decision-makers within your ICP. These personas should capture their demographics, motivations, pain points, and preferred communication channels.

Without a well-defined ICP and buyer personas, your marketing efforts become scattershot, failing to resonate with the right audience. This translates to customer experience pain points, low conversion rates, and ultimately, a stagnant pipeline.

The Pipeline Parable: The Need for More Qualified Leads

A healthy sales pipeline is the lifeblood of any B2B business. However, generating a steady stream of qualified leads  – potential customers who are a good fit for your product or service and are actively considering a purchase – can be a daunting task.

Several factors contribute to this challenge. Customer journey pain points, ineffective marketing campaigns, a lack of high-quality content, and a weak social media presence can all hinder lead generation. Additionally,  an overly complex sales funnel or a lengthy sales cycle, or other pain points in sales can deter potential customers from converting.

The Invisibility Cloak: Conquering a Lack of Brand Awareness

Standing out in today's crowded B2B marketplace can feel like an uphill battle.  Many businesses struggle with brand awareness, making it difficult for potential customers to discover them or understand how their offerings can address specific needs. It’s often one of the first things you discover in a pain point analysis.

Without strong brand awareness, your ideal customers may never even consider your company when they're looking for solutions. This translates to missed opportunities and lost sales.

How do you identify business pain points?

How to uncover business pain points requires a multi-pronged approach that involves looking inward and gathering external feedback. Another word for pain points in business is challenges. So if that first sentence sounded daunting, just take a look at some of the challenges you’re facing and those are likely your pain points. 

Communication pain points in business can often be identified through internal analysis and reviewing customer feedback. Are there gaps in comms that you can fill? Are things always being said in the most clear and concise ways? 

By implementing these strategies and actively seeking feedback from various sources, you can gain valuable insights into the challenges hindering your business.

The goal of all of this is to find the opposite of pain points in business, like success factors, customer gains, and competitive advantages.

Reach out to learn more about what we can do to take your business pain points and turn them into success stories.